07.07.2024 / Ankara
In his speech at the 2023-2024 Academic Year Graduation Ceremony, M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye Economy and Technology University (TOBB ETÜ) and President of TOBB, said, “2024 is the 20th year of TOBB ETÜ. Since its establishment, TOBB ETU has rapidly progressed towards becoming a university that prioritizes quality in education, innovation in research and contribution to society. Today, the fact that it has become one of the most respected educational institutions of our country is an indicator of the vision of the business world and your success.”
- Advice to young people from Hisarcıklıoğlu
Stating that TOBB ETU’s education model is still the first and only one among 208 universities in Türkiye, Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that TOBB ETU’s exemplary education model is among the promises to be implemented in universities all over Türkiye in the election declarations of political parties. Hisarcıklıoğlu said the following: “Investing in education is the greatest service to the country. We aimed to raise a new generation to our country without rote memorization, but a generation which researches, produces technology and invents. Fortunately, today we are among the best young universities in the world. Our scientific research programs are developing rapidly, and the number of graduate and doctoral students and faculty members is increasing rapidly.
Let me give you some advice: Dream. Dream big! Remember, everything starts with a dream. Our imagination is where we are most free. Set goals. Work hard and don’t be afraid to lose. Each of you is ready for the new world! Bring something new to an old village. Whatever you do, bring innovation to your work. Remember, times are changing. This is the era of those who don’t leave life as they found it. Look, in the next 50 years, more than half of today’s professions will disappear. Artificial intelligence will be your biggest competitor. This is why we established Türkiye’s first Artificial Intelligence Engineering Department. My last piece of advice to you is to be conscientious in everything you do, in every environment you are in. Be just. Work for a world where the right is powerful, not the powerful is right. And be honest. Because honesty is the trick. Whatever Türkiye has suffered, it has always suffered from being captive to its fears, from seeing the friend next to it as the other. Therefore, do not marginalize anyone because of their language, religion, identity, opinion or sect. Of course, do not miss out on life. Travel, learn new cultures, never stop reading and researching. Don’t get stuck in your comfort zone. Don’t rent your mind to anyone. And be the hero of your own story, not someone else’s.”
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