Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Cooperation with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for women entrepreneurs

12.02.2020 / Ankara

Cooperation between the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to support women entrepreneurs has been signed.​

TOBB, which has access to a network at the provincial level through the Women Entrepreneurs Councils, and EBRD have decided to work together on the development of the capacity of the Councils in strategic planning within the scope of the protocol they signed. TOBB Secretary General Mustafa Saraçöz and EBRD Vice President Pierre Heilbronn signed the agreement.

The Ernst and Young (EY) Turkey team, appointed by the EBRD as consultants to the project, will conduct interviews with important stakeholders in the three selected pilot provinces (Kocaeli, Antalya and Erzurum) and organize training and workshops on strategic planning. As a result, a strategy document and action plan will be created for all three provinces.

The EBRD will closely monitor the entire process and participate in the studies to monitor the maximum efficiency of the Councils. The project, which begins in February, is scheduled to last a total of three months.

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