Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

EU SME Days Celebrated in 21 Centers

19.11.2015 / 

Ankara EU Information Center realized its SME Days Thematic Event on 17th November, 2015 in Atatürk Vocational and Technic Anatolian High School.. Different speakers adressed students on entrepreneurship under the title of “Be the Entrepreneur of Your Life”. Demet VAROĞLU, TOBB ETU Department of Management , made her presentation on “What is to Establish Your Own Business?”. Serpil POLAT, head of TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Council and Sedat KILIÇ, member of TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Council gave speeches on their professional experiences. Furthermore, Samet ÇELİK, TOBB ETU SEM trainer, lectured on “Understanding Social Media” and Akif AKTUĞ on succes and motivation. ​

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