1) To attend, as the representative of the Union, regulation workshops with regard to economic, commercial and industrial subjects and meetings held at the ministries, the Prime Ministry and the Parliamentary Committees, as well as forming opinions regarding the new legal regulations by cooperating with the other departments and chambers or commodity exchanges.
2) To state the regulatory compliance opinion regarding the legal issues related to the Union in the cases where the Presidency, the Office of the General Secretary or the other departments (subjected to the permission of the General Secretary)have asked the necessities and the legal aspects of the transactions, and advice.
3) To respond to the chambers and commodity exchanges’ questions in relation to the implementation of relevant regulations,
4) To prepare regulations, directives and circulars, which are aimed to regulate the legal procedures of the Union, and draw up contracts for the Union or to give opinion about draft contracts.
5) To file, follow and defend all types of civil, criminal, tax, administrative cases and enforcement proceedings, and receive all the correspondence from the courts, enforcement offices and notary publics. To contact the relevant departments and exchange opinions regarding the legal necessities in order to respond, and carry out correspondence with those authorities.
6) To follow the codes, rules and decisions published on the Official Gazette and classify sections concerning the Union, as well as providing information about these when asked questions. Also to ensure the announcement of those relevant sections within the scope of regulation to the chambers or commodity exchanges electronically,
7) To provide legal support for the prosecutions proceeded by the Undersecretariat of Customs against the Union in accordance with the articles of the International Road Transport (TIR) Convention, which regulate the guarantees, and collaborate with the relevant department,
8) To perform the TOBB Arbitration Council’s secretary duties
9) To carry out the preparation work of the presentation notes and reports for the General Assembly, and gathering the Regulation Committee,
10) As the representative of the Union, to attend the workshop groups within the scope of legal work, in which the Union is a partner.
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