Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Selçuk Öztürk attended the Development Agencies Evaluation Meeting

Development Agencies Evaluation Meeting was held at the National Library of the Presidential Complex.​

Number of Domestic Goods Certificates approved in January decreased by 25.9%

According to the Domestic Goods Communiqué (SGM 2014/35), prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Technology in accordance with Article 63 of the Public Procurement Law No. 4734 and published in the Official Gazette dated September 13, 2014 and numbered 29118, 1,163 Domestic Goods Certificates were approved by TOBB in 2022.​

Number of Industrial Capacity Reports Approved in January 2022 increased by 27.7% compared to January 2021

The number of capacity reports approved by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) in January 2022 increased by 27.7% (1,004 units) to 4,620 units compared to January 2021 (3,616 units).​

H. İrfan Aker elected President of the Technical Consultancy Council

The Turkish Technical Advisory Council, which operates within the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), has elected the president and vice president for the new term. H. İrfan Aker, Chairman of the Turkish Association of Consulting Engineers and Architects (TürkMMMB), was elected Council President.​

Digital Tachograph Regional Chamber Trainings continue

Regional Chamber trainings are continuing, where the digital tachograph contactless application system, which reduces the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and allows digitalization. In this context, two trainings were held on 10.01.2022 hosted by Samsun Chamber of Commerce and Industry and on 28.01.2022 hosted by Manisa Chamber of Commerce and Industry.​

Value Added Women Entrepreneurs Meeting held with Hatay and Kırşehir

Chaired by Nurten Öztürk, Women Entrepreneurs Council President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the 32nd Meeting of the TOBB Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Council Value Adding Women Entrepreneurs was held with the TOBB Hatay and TOBB Kırşehir Women Entrepreneur Councils with the participation of the TOBB Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Council Executive Committee Members and Provincial Board Members.​

Business Ethics Seminar with Experiences and Applications held online

Business Ethics Seminar with Experiences and Applications was held online. In the seminar, which was held in cooperation with KOSGEB and TEİD, the standards of international companies in business ethics and compliance issues, experiences and development stages on the way to becoming business partners to international companies, and the creation and implementation of corporate business ethics and compliance culture in enterprises were explained.​

Tamer Kıran participated in the World Customs Day Event and Award Ceremony

Tamer Kıran, Vice President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), attended the World Customs Day Event and Merit Certificate Award Ceremony hosted by Trade Minister Mehmet Muş.​

Oil and Petroleum Products Industry Council convened

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Oil and Petroleum Products Industry Council Meeting was held under the chairmanship of TOBB Board Member Engin Yeşil and Council President Ahmet Erdem.​

As of the end of 2021, there are 85.790 Industrial Capacity Reports, which retain validity.

The number of Capacity Reports, which was 79,221 in 2020, has increased by 9.5% to 85,790 in 2021.​

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