Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Turkey Medical Council Convened

TOBB Turkey Medical Council discussed regulations regarding products within SGK re-payment context and also period of payments for public and university hospitals. ​

In October 892 products granted with Domestic Goods Certificate

Pursuant to Domestic Goods Communique (SGM2014/35) prepared by Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology as per 63rd article of Public Tender Act no 4734 and became effective by publishing in Official Gazette dated 13th September 2014 no 29118, in October 892 Domestic Goods Certificates had been approved by Chambers and Commodity Exchanges subject to TOBB.​

Women Entrepreneurs Black Sea Regional Meeting was held in Amasra

Organised by TOBB Bartın Women Entrepreneurs, hosted by Bartın Chamber of Commerce and Industry Black Sea Regional Meeting was held in Amasra on 4th November 2017.​

In October 2017 52 thousand 246 people visited KOBİ Information Website

KOBİ Information Website has been visited by 52 thousand 246 people in October 2017. The total number of visitors of the website during the last twelve months is 569 thousand 856.​

E-Commerce Council talked over development and regulations connected to electronic commerce in detail

Turkey E-Commerce Council meeting held in TOBB İstanbul Service Building under the chairmanship of Council President Öget Kantarcı and participation of Department Head of Banking Regulation and Supervision Ahmet Yılmaz.​

TOBB Soil Industry Products Council discussed the standards that shall be established with MYK

Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Soil Industry Products Council convened at TOBB Twin Towers under the chairmanship of TOBB Board Member Hakan Ülken and Council President Kadir Başoğlu with the participation of representative of private sector, relevant non-governmental and associations. ​

In October 4080 capacity reports approved

In October 4080 capacity reports approved by Union of Chamber and Commodity Exchange of Turkey.​

Ali Kopuz: “As TOBB we value relations with Africa”

TOBB Vice President Ali Kopuz met with the delegation including Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry Board members and businessmen in İstanbul for bilateral discussion. ​

Yahya Toplu: “We will remain in co-operation with İŞKUR’”

During his at İŞKUR 9th Ordinary General Assembly, Board Member of The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Yahya Toplu said “We have great country and a young population. Those, if we make it count, are tremendous opportunities.”​

Kopuz: “When women achieve it is a win for everybody”

TOBB Vice President and İstanbul Commodity Exchange President Ali Kopuz attended “She Means Business” Project Launch held by co-ordination of TOBB and Facebook.​

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