Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Free Zones Council gives consensus on application of payments in TRY in Free Zones

TOBB Turkey Free Zones Council meeting, chaired by Council Chairman Edvar Mum, took place with the attendances of Ministry of Economy of Free Zones, Foreign Investment and Services General Director Uğur Öztürk.​

3,519 capacity reports approved in July

3,519 capacity reports approved in July by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.​

Turkey Air Conditioning Council prepares Draft National Qualifications for the sector

The National Vocational Proficiency Draft for Personal and Commercial Air Conditioning System Installer (Level 3), Individual and Commercial Air Conditioning Systems Installation and Service Personnel Vocational Qualification (FMC) (Level 4) and the Draft National Qualifications for the Individual, Commercial and Variable Hooded Air Conditioning Systems Expert (Level 5) have been drawn up by TOBB Turkey Air Conditioning Council as a part of the “National Proficiencies Preparation Cooperation Protocol” signed between Turkish Chambers and Commodity Exchanges Association (TOBB) and Institute of Vocational Qualification (MYK).​

Turkish Automotive Industry Council visited Altunyaldız

Turkish Automotive Industry Council Chairman Cengiz Eroldu and Vice Chairman Osman Sever visited Ziya Altunyaldız, Chairman of the Parliamentary Industry, Commerce, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission.​

Important step towards reducing foreign dependency from TOBB

Electronic certifications of domestic digital tachograph vehicle units have been started by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Digital Tachograph Research and Application Center (STAUM).​

16th meeting of Turkish Design Advisory Council

TOBB Board Member Memiş Kütükcü attended the 16th Meeting of the Turkish Design Advisory Council.​

Mediation training in TOBB completed

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, TOBB Economics and Technology University Continuing Education Research and Application Center (TOBB ETUSEM) Alternative Dispute Resolution Center (CADR) by lawyers deputies, the Supreme Election Board members, Mediation Training held at TOBB to the HSYK members and ombudsmen completed their mediation training. The participants received certificates.​

Venture Capital Anatolian Meeting held in Konya

Venture Capital Anatolian Meetings Konya was held at Dedeman Konya Hotel on 19 July 2017.​

Turkish Housewares Council convened to assess sectoral problems

TOBB Turkey Housewares Council meeting was held at the TOBB Istanbul Service Building under the auspeices of TOBB Vice President Ali Kopuz, Council Chair Ömer Ertuğrul Erdoğan with the participation the representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations.​

Training held prior accreditation recertification audits

As a part of the Accreditation System efforts, Secretaries general and accreditation officers of the Chambers/Exchanges of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 10th terms received preparatory training on the 17th and 18th of July, 2017.​

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