TOBB Social Policy Board convened
TOBB Social Policy Board convened online on 26.04.2022 under the chairmanship of Sadettin Bilgin, Board Vice Chair, with the participation of Mahmut Özgener, a member of the TOBB Board of Directors.
Logistics Awareness Day event
Within the scope of the Logistics Awareness Day program held on April 21, 2022 in partnership with the International TransportErs Association (UND) and the Federal German Logistics Association (BVL), a presentation on the “Pre-Reservation System in Transit Documents” (E-GEBOS) was made, developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Commerce and TOBB, and is in the testing phase.
Foreign Relations Commission meets online
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Foreign Relations Commission was held online under the chairmanship of Commission Chairman Dursun Dağdelen with the participation of TOBB Vice President Tamer Kıran.
TOBB Tourism Council convened
The Meeting of the Tourism Council of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) was held online.
Trade Exchanges Trading Brokers Training and Exam
The Training and Examination of Brokers Trading on the Commodity Exchanges of candidate intermediaries on the İstanbul Commodity Exchange was held on April 21, 2022 at the İstanbul Commodity Exchange.
TOBB attended the Future Creators Conference
TOBB Sectors and Entrepreneurship Department Head A. Saygın Baban participated in the panel titled “Entrepreneurship, Employment, Sustainability and Capital” within the scope of “Future Creators Conference” by the Federation of Automotive Maintenance Associations of Turkey (TOBFED).
Turkey International Health Tourism Council convened
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) International Health Tourism Council meeting was held under the chairmanship of Council President Özgür Öztan with the agenda of informing the sector about the “Incentives of the Ministry of Commerce for International Service Trade” and discussing the presentations to be made at the planned International Health Tourism Workshop.