Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
6th URGE Principles and Practice Trainings completed

The sixth URGE Principles and Practice Training was conducted with the participation of Ministry of Economy, General Directorate of Exports, Department of SME and Cluster Support experts while 30 personnel from 24 chambers / exchanges attended the event on 17th and 18th, April 2017.​

13th Term Chamber / Commodity Exchange Quality Management System Training

As a part of the Chamber / Stock Exchange Accreditation System, the 13th ISO 9001:2015 New Version Quality Management System Training was held on the 10th and 11th of April, 2017.​

ISO 9001:2015 New Version Quality Management System Trainings Started

As a part of the Chamber / Stock Exchange Accreditation System, the 10th ISO 9001:2015 New Version Quality Management System Training was held on the 13th and 14th of April, 2017.​

Interest in TOBB MEYBEM professional qualification exams continues to increase

The professional qualification exams organized by TOBB MEYBEM Vocational Qualification and Certification Centers continue to be carried out in many professions throughout Turkey.​

First steps in TSE-TOBB cooperation for active participation in

The plans to increase the active participation of industrialists in national and international standardization activities is being overseen by TSE and TOBB. To this end, the “Mirror Committee Members' Consultation Meeting” organized by the representatives of the organizations that actively contribute to the existing mirror committees was held on 18th April 2017 at the TOBB Social Facilities.​

3.733 capacity report approved in March

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of turkey approved 3,733 capacity reports in March.​

Health Institutions Council convened

TOBB Turkey Health Institutions Council held its first meeting of the year with Council Chair Seyit Karaca presiding over proceedings.​

Economic Report Review Commission meeting held

The Economic Report Review Commission convened at the TOBB Union Center on April 12th, 2017, to examine the draft for the “2016 Annual Economic Report” prepared for presentation at the 73rd General Assembly of TOBB. Participating in the meeting were TOBB Board Member Cengiz Günay, Commission President Mustafa Helvacıoğlu, members; Ercan Ozkan, Yasin Tatlı, Şakir İşeri, Salih Deniz Günal and Reşit Özer.​

10th Institutional Development Program training conducted

The 10th Institutional Development Program was held with the participation of 26 Chambers and Commodity Exchanges personnel and 61 TOBB personnel at the TOBB Twin Towers on April 7th and 8th, 2017.​

Plastic, Rubber and Composite Council discusses trade policies preventing unfair competition

Members of the TOBB Turkey Plastic, Rubber and Composite Industry Council met at the TOBB Union Center to discuss current issues affecting the sector with Council Chair Yavuz Eroğlu presiding over the meeting.​

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