20.10.2020 / Ankara
Vice President Yaşar Tozar, Council Member and Chairman of Ankara University Intellectual and Industry Rights Research and Application Center (FISAUM) Prof. Dr. Arzu Oğuz, Council Member and President of the Association of Patent and Trademark Deputies (PEM) Uğur Yalçıner, TOBB Sectors and Entrepreneurship Department Head A. Saygın Baban and Council Officer Tuğba Vural took part in the delegation.
Prof. Dr. Habip Asan congratulated Kemal Yamankaradeniz and his team, who were elected to the Patent and Trademark Deputies Presidency, and said that they are ready for any cooperation with the Patent and Trademark Deputies Council, that they will determine a roadmap by making an action plan in the new term and that they will provide all support in implementing the action plans. Asan noted that the Council views were noted regarding, “Patent and Trademark Proxy Examination and Registration Procedures Professional Rules and Disciplinary Regulation Draft” and will be taken into consideration in the preparation of the Draft.
Council President Kemal Yamankaradeniz stated that they are meeting with the Association representatives within the Councilfor the first time after the election and they aim to conduct that all activities under the auspices of TOBB's Patent and Trademark Deputies Council from here on out, stating that they want on to promote and increase awareness of Patent and Trademark Deputies. Yamankaradeniz noted that it is very apt for Members of the Disciplinary Board created within the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority to be populated by patent and trademark deputies so that simple issues can be addressed before becoming the subject of complaints.
The meeting, which also touched on geographical markers, ended by stating that any projects from TOBB would be supported by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority.
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