Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum Turkish Side Members convened

07.01.2021 / 

Members of the Turkish Side of the Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum met via video conference. Turkish Ambassador to Sofia Aylin Sekizkök and Sofia Trade Advisor Sinem Taştan also attended the meeting, which was chaired by Cengiz Günay, TOBB Board Member and Co-Chair of the Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum.​

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, Co-Chairman Cengiz Günay stated that Bulgaria, our neighbor with whom we share a common historical and cultural background and border, is an important country for Turkey and that Turkey is one of Bulgaria's main trading partners, stressing that most of Turkey's trade with European countries is carried by road through Bulgaria. Cengiz Günay also stated that the foreign trade figures between the two countries are in balance and that we have a trade volume of approximately 4.3 billion euros in 2019. While maintaining balance, he said he believes that work should be continued in cooperation to move our bilateral trade higher, and that mutual investments and trade should also be increased.

In his speech, Mr. Cengiz Günay also stated that as the Forum of the Turkish-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, they will work both to increase our investments in Bulgaria, to bring investors from Bulgaria to Turkey, but also to increase our mutual trade, and that he is pleased to be the Co-Chair of the Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Ambassador Aylin Sekizkök said that 2020 has been a difficult year in the fight against Covid19, but on this occasion it has become clear how resilient the Turkish private sector is. She also highlighted how important it is to continue production and trade when borders are closed as part of simultaneous measures in different countries. Stressing that Turkey-Bulgaria relations are very good, but that these relations have been further strengthened during the pandemic process, Aylin Sekizkök said that Turkey was the first country to respond to Bulgaria's demand for medical equipment during the pandemic. She also emphasized that the establishment of the Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum is one of the indicators of close relations between Turkey and Bulgaria. In her speech, the Ambassador also said that the institutionalization of relations between TOBB and BULTİŞAD within the scope of the Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum is an important achievement.

Sofia Trade Advisor Sinem Taştan said they would like to see more Turkish businesspeople in Bulgaria, adding that they aim to inform Turkish investors by making a presentation explaining which products come to the forefront in different potential areas.

Following opening speeches, members of the Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum introduced themselves and presented their problems, demands and suggestions.

The Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum was established in 2020 by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Bulgarian-Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BULTİŞAD). The President and members of the Turkish side of the Chamber are appointed by TOBB, and the Bulgarian side is determined by BULTİŞAD. Annual economic summits, joint board meetings, business forums, business meetings and efforts to improve Turkey-Bulgaria relations are the main areas of study of the Turkey-Bulgaria Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum.

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