Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Industrial Capacity Report for 2020

29.01.2021 / Ankara

The number of Capacity Reports, which was 75,683 in 2019, has increased by 3.98% to 79,221 in 2020.​

Among the production facilities to which these reports belong, 42.87% have 1-9, 40.28% have 10-49, 8.12% have 50-99, 6.05% have 100-249 and 2.68% have more than 250 employees.

While 5,20% of the total employees are employed in facilities with 1-9 employees, 22,38% are 10-49, 13,62% are 50-99,  22,25% are 100-249 and 36,54% of them are employed in facilities with 250 or more employees. According to the valid Current Capacity Reports, the first five provinces with the highest employment were İstanbul (704.558), Bursa (284.256), İzmir (224.409), Kocaeli (203.528) and Ankara (177.608). The last five provinces with the least number of employees were Bayburt (374), Ardahan (475), Hakkâri (492), Tunceli (579), Iğdır (777).

37.127 engineers working in East Marmara were employed in industrial facilities. It was 35.153 in Istanbul, 30.245 in Western Anatolia, 23.314 in Aegean and 9.824 in Mediterranean. 4,85% of total employees are engineers, 4,60% are technicians, 6,46% are masters, 71,70% are workers and 11,18% are administrative personnel.

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