Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkey-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum held

25.02.2021 / 

The Joint Board Meeting of the Turkey-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum was held online co-chaired by Turkish Side Co-Chairman and TOBB Board Member Özer Matlı and Ukrainian Side Co-Chairman Sergiy Savchuk.​

Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey Andrii Sybiha attended the meeting and gave a speech. Turkish Ambassador to Kiev Mr. Yağmur Ahmet Guldere also sent a video message to the meeting informing them about Turkey-Ukraine relations. Valeriy Korol, Vice President of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, also attended the meeting.

At the opening of the meeting, Özer Matlı emphasized that Turkey and Ukraine have come together on many common platforms and that trade relations between the two countries are gradually improving, noting that a trade volume target of $10 billion has been set between Turkey and Ukraine. He said that with the signing of the Turkey-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement, trade relations would be put on a more solid ground.

Sergiy Savchuk, Co-Chair of the Ukrainian Side, said the established Turkey-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum will work to improve bilateral relations, trade and investment between the two countries. By bringing concrete solutions to the problems, both countries said that work will be carried out in a balanced way for the benefit of business people. In addition, he noted that trade and investment will increase thanks to the mutual recognition of business people of the two countries, sharing their projects, and relaying which sectors and which products are needed.

Following the opening speeches, members of Turkey and the Ukrainian side introduced themselves and raised their areas of cooperation, demands, problems and proposals.

The Turkey-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum was established in 2019 by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (UCCI). The Turkish side of the Chamber’s President and members are appointed by TOBB and the Ukrainian side is appointed by UCCI. Annual economic summits, joint board meetings, business forums, business meetings and efforts to improve Turkey-Ukraine business relations are the main areas of work of the Turkey-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum.

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