Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Veysel Yayan reelected Iron and Non-Ferrous Metals Council President

09.03.2022 / İstanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Iron and Non-Ferrous Metals Council met at the TOBB Istanbul Service Building to elect the Presidential Council and conduct an overview of the sector, chaired by S. Zeki Murzioğlu, Vice Prseident of the TOBB Board of Directors in charge of the Council.​

In his opening speech, TOBB Vice President S. Zeki Murzioğlu explained the purpose and working principles of the Sector Councils and said that Councils are an effective mechanism that works in cooperation with the public administration. Murzioğlu also emphasized the importance of the Council, stating that the iron and steel sector is one of the most important sectors in Turkey.

In the election, Dr. Mehmet Veysel Yayan, Secretary General of the Turkish Steel Producers Association (TCUD), was reelected as the Council President unanimously, and Uğur Dalbeler, CEO of Çolakoglu Metallurgy Inc., was reelected Council Vice President unanimously.

Council President Yayan and Vice President Dalbeler thanked the Members and expressed their love for any work to take the sector forward.

The meeting, which also included the 2021 evaluation of the sector, ended with an assessment of the latest developments in the country and the world agenda.

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