Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkish Retail Council assesses current issues

14.03.2022 / Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Turkish Retail Assembly Meeting was held by video conference under the chairmanship of Parliament Speaker Alp Önder Özpamukçu with the participation of TOBB Board Member Cengiz Günay in charge of the Council with contributions of Burak Kaplan, Head of Retail Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce General Directorate of Internal Trade, and Erdem Biçer, Head of advertising department of the General Directorate of Consumer Protection and Market Surveillance, and the great interest and participation of high-level representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations.​

Cengiz Günay, TOBB Board Member in Charge of the Assembly, said that there are important issues for the development of the sector on the agenda of the Assembly and stressed that the decisions to be taken will be followed up for implementation.

Council President Alp Önder Özpamukçu thanked the members for their participation in the meeting, which was attended by a large number of people, and gave a brief briefing on the developments since the most recent meeting.

Ceren Anadol, Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Travel Agencies of Turkey (TÜRSAB), provided information about the Climate Summit to be held by the ATO between 30-31 March 2022.

Councilors, who submitted a request to increase the cash payment limit of TL 7,000 for purchases with the Notification of the Tax Procedure Law in 2015, stated that the consumer is struggling with increasing exchange rates and the price increases that come with it, and that this limit should be raised to the limit of TL 35,000.

The latest situation was discussed at the meeting where the amendments to the Regulation on Commercial Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices prepared by the Ministry of Commerce and the opinions on the guideline were evaluated and the importance of preparing the parliamentary opinion was discussed.

Ministry officials invited to the meeting regarding the agenda items answered the questions from the members and stated that they are always with the sector in solving their problems.

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