TOBB Turkey Mining Council convened under Council President İsmet Kasapoğlu in Ankara to assess the latest developments in the mining sector. Council members put forth their views in regards to the plans for future endeavors.​


Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

The Mining Council discusses the problems of the sector

08.10.2012 / 


TOBB Turkey Mining Council convened under Council President İsmet Kasapoğlu in Ankara to assess the latest developments in the mining sector. Council members put forth their views in regards to the plans for future endeavors.​



- What the new incentives system brings to the mining sector

Information regarding general incentive applications, tax reductions, insurance premium employer share support and interest support were presented as a presentation during the meeting.

Also touched on during the meeting was information regarding the Coordination Council for the Improvement of Investment Environment (YOÄ°KK).

A part of the 2011 January – 2012 March term in GİTES and Sectoral Licenses Technical Committee Plan of Action, the Mining Council discussed and was briefed on current affairs.

During the meeting, representatives from the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Directorate of Mining Operations presented council members with planned changes to the mining legislation.

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