Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

A New Road Transport Cooperation between Turkey and the European Union: Expectations and Possibilities Project closing meeting at TOBB

30.03.2022 / İstanbul

The closing meeting of the project titled "A new Road Transport Cooperation between Turkey and the European Union: Expectations and Possibilities", which is supported by European Union and Global Research Association (ABKAD) and carried out in partnership with the International Association of Transporters (UND), The Polish International Association of Road Movers (ZMPD), the European Neighbourhood Council (ENC), was hosted by TOBB on March 25, 2022 at the TOBB Istanbul Service Building.​

The meeting, which started with the opening speech of Aslı Çalık, head of TOBB Transportation and Logistics Systems Department, emphasized that the border crossing problems between Turkey and the European Union, has negatively impacted Turkey's exports, as well as causing delays in both exports and the loads of European international carriers, with emphasis on the negative impact of international supply chains.

The European Union-Turkey Green Corridors Civil Society Network platform, which was created within the scope of the project and of which TOBB is a member, is expected to serve the sector as a new lobbying channel in the efforts to solve the problems in transportation and trade between Turkey and Europe.

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