Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Patent and Trademark Representatives Consultation Meeting in İstanbul

04.04.2022 / İstanbul

Patent and Trademark Representatives Consultation Meeting was held at TOBB Istanbul Service Building under the chairmanship of Cemil Başpınar, Acting President of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Authority (TÜRKPATENT), hosted by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Patent and Trademark Regents Council.​

Kemal Yamankaradeniz, Turkey Council of Patent and Trademark Regents Council President, gave information about the importance of the patent and trademark representation profession and its development in recent years and made statements about the activities of the Council.

During the meeting, TOBB Turkey Patent and Trademark Regents Council actions, registration services offered by TÜRKPATENT, electronic application and notification practices of the institution, possible cooperation with the regents and proposals for the development of the proxy system were discussed.

The requests expressed by the patent and trademark representatives who attended the meeting were evaluated individually by Cemil Başpınar, the Deputy Chairman of the Institution, and TÜRKPATENT officials.

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