Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Ata Kavame re-elected Turkey Creative Industries Council President

04.04.2022 / İstanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Creative Industries Council, chaired by TOBB Board Member Ömer Zeydan, met at TOBB İstanbul Service Building to elect the Presidential Council of the Council and to make an overall assessment of the sector.​

TOBB Board Member Ömer Zeydan mentioned the activities of the Turkish Sector Councils in his opening speech and announced his expectations from the Creative Industries Council for the third term of the Council.

Zeydan shared details about the actions of the Council during the pandemic and the issues that were resolved, and expressed his thanks to the Presidential Council and its Members, who had contributed to the work of the Council in the previous period.

As a result of the election of the Parliamentary Presidential Council, Tatu Creative Solutions Communication Inc. Chairman Ali Ata Kavame was unanimously re-elected as President and Nej Nejla Guvenc was unanimously re-elected as Vice President.

In the continuation of the meeting, the needs of the sector were determined and the agenda of the parliament for the new term was consulted. Commissions planned to be established to study the issues to be raised were discussed.

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