Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Technical Consultancy Council hosted KGM and DSI officials

12.04.2022 / Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Technical Consultancy Council was held in TOBB Twin Towers to consult on the current issues of the sector with the participation of TOBB Board Member Hakan Ülken, Vice President Ali Karim Orhon and Council Members, chaired by Council President H. İrfan Aker.​

At the first meeting after the election, the Council hosted Ahmet Sağlam, Deputy Director General of the General Directorate of Highways (KGM), and Dr. Ömer Faruk Akbulut, Deputy Head of the Project and Construction Department of State Water Works (DSI).

TOBB Board Member Hakan Ülken said in his opening speech that he admired the rapid start of work immediately after the first meeting of the Council, in which the presidential council was formed, and prepared an opinion with the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and the Public Procurement Agency on an important issue such as Price Difference Receivables, which are among the current working issues of the Council.

Ülken stated that technical consultancy firms met to discuss the sector problems they had with DSI and KGM and was pleased to welcome the public administration.

Council Speaker H. İrfan Aker stated that the Price Difference Decree does not fully meet the expectations of the sector in its current form and that an initiative should be made before the Public Procurement Agency again and shared their work as the Presidential Council with the Members of Council.

In this regard, he submitted the study prepared in detail by the presidential council for Council approval. The Council decided that this work on the price difference should be sent to the Public Procurement Agency immediately.

At the meeting, where the problems in the DSI and KGM were presented to public officials by Council, DSI and KGM officials expressed their happiness at being together with the sector in their speeches. It was underlined that the written notification of these requests will guide the public in solving the problems, and that public-private cooperation is important for the development of the sector and for the public to do efficient work.

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