Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

TOBB Turkey Software Council discusses industry issues

15.04.2022 / 

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Software Council meeting was held at TOBB Twin Towers to discuss the issues on the agenda under the chairmanship of Council President Ertan Barut with the participation of TOBB Board Member Mehmet Büyüksimitci.​

TOBB Board Member Mehmet Büyüksimitci stated that they follow the work done by the Turkish Software Council and the problems they have experienced as TOBB selflessly and are with the sector at every step.

Büyüksimitci expressed his thanks to İlknur İnam, Deputy Director General of National Technology at the Ministry of Industry and Technology, for all their support and efforts to the Council during the project process. Büyüksimitci also wished İrfan Keskin, Deputy Director General of National Technology, who attended the meeting for the first time as Council Member, good luck with his new role.

Council President Ertan Barut gave a presentation on the legislations discussed in the past quarter, the programs participated in, visits to public institutions and the work to be done in the next three months.

Barut gave information about the content of the Software Inventory Workshop organized under TOBB on February 24 and the Software Inventory Workshop Result Report prepared as the output of the workshop.

With his presentation, Barut stated that they aimed to collect the software sector under a single Nace code and to make professional classification and product classification within the framework of the needs of the sector, and shared the professional and product definitions that emerged as a result of the workshop. The Council President announced that the final version of the report has been created and will be distributed to all relevant public institutions, non-governmental organizations and companies.

Ertan Barut informed that the Turkish Software Workforce Needs and Losses Due Diligence, Remote Work and Training Needs Survey was created within the framework of the data-driven work strategy. Barut stated that with this survey, data will be provided in all areas of interest of the sector such as software workforce needs, software workforce losses, labor preferences in recruitment and trainings needed.

At the meeting, it was stated by the Council Members that companies in foreign countries employ by offering attractive offers and high fees to software developers using the remote working option, and therefore Turkish software companies have difficulty retaining the software workforce. Members stressed that if the process continues like this, the loss of labor will not be prevented.

At the end of the meeting, İlknur İnam, Deputy Director General of National Technology at the Ministry of Industry and Technology, answered the questions from the Council members about the Software Inventory Project and gave information about the project process. In addition, İrfan Keskin, the newly appointed Deputy Director General of National Technology, expressed his satisfaction to take part in the council work and stated that he will always be with the sector.

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