Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Preparation processes of the Medical Device Law discussed in the Medical Council

17.04.2022 / Ankara

The meeting of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Medical Council was held at the TOBB Twin Towers, hosted by TOBB Board Member Öztürk Oran, under the chairmanship of Council President Mete Özgürbüz, with the participation of Dr. Asım Hocaoğlu, Vice President of the Turkish Medicines and Medical Device Authority (TİTCK), and the heads of relevant departments from the TİTCK institution, and senior representatives of private sector and non-governmental organizations.​

In his opening speech, Öztürk Oran stated that the main agenda of the medical sector in the past 2 years has been the issue of pandemic and public receivables, and that everyone, especially Council President Mete Özgürbüz, heads of NGOs affiliated with the parliament and TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu, has done their best on behalf of the Medical Council. Oran said: "At this meeting, we met to discuss the processes in which the preparations for the Medical Device Law have come, the public and TOBB are stakeholders of a new study in the interests of the sector and the public, and we stand together to witness this historic process."

Council President Mete Özgürbüz stated that the chronic payment problem of the sector has become easier to solve with the latest payments, and that the main driving force for the change and transformation of the sector is the Medical Device Law, which will determine the rules of the sector.

He added that he wanted this law, which regulates the whole sector, to understand that all sector stakeholders (company-NGO-State) meeting under TOBB were pursuing the same dream for the same purpose, and decided to meet a common denominator and decide on the most appropriate Law for the sector and Turkey.

Dr. Asım Hocaoğlu, Vice President of the Turkish Medicines and Medical Device Authority, said: "I would like to thank you for your cooperation and support in the pandemic, for your efforts. Now that we are in the process of normalization, we need to take lessons from what we experienced during the pandemic process and address our important issues, in this context we have accelerated the law work that will pave the way for the sector. In order to determine the needs and expectations, we first received feedback from our non-governmental organizations. We have created a workgroup within our institution. We're drafting a law. Once the draft is formed, we will talk more specifically, with more concrete data," he said.

At the meeting, it was decided to establish a legislative workgroup under the roof of TOBB, where contact with the Institution would be ensured continuously in the process.

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