Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkish Glassware Council discussed agenda topics

20.04.2022 / İstanbul

The Meeting of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Turkish Glassware Council was held in İstanbul with the participation of industry representatives, chaired by TOBB Vice President Ali Kopuz and Council President Murat Kolbaşı.​

Ali Kopuz, in his opening, noted that they are aware that the sector faces difficulties due to the developments in the economy and energy costs, that all relevant Ministries have been contacted about the issues on the agenda, problems have been communicated and that some issues have been resolved quickly and positively.

With the participation of Marwa Farghali of the Egyptian Trade Fire, topics related to Egypt, one of the major export markets of the sector, were discussed.

In the meeting, the Russia-Ukraine crisis and the increase in the rate of foreign currency sales by exporters to the Turkish Central Bank to 40% were also discussed extensively.

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