Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkey International Health Tourism Council convened

25.04.2022 / Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) International Health Tourism Council meeting was held under the chairmanship of Council President Özgür Öztan with the agenda of informing the sector about the “Incentives of the Ministry of Commerce for International Service Trade” and discussing the presentations to be made at the planned International Health Tourism Workshop.​

The meeting was held with the participation of Ali Alperen Kaç, Deputy Director General of International Service Trade, Batuhan Hasan Coşkun, Deputy Trade Specialist, Ali Ayvazoğlu, Ankara Provincial Culture and Tourism Manager, Deputy Director Ramazan Çilali, Ankara Provincial Health Directorate Health Tourism Provincial Coordinator Mustafa Cıvdı and Council Members.

The meeting began with the opening speech of Council President Dr. Özgür Öztan, describing the work carried out on behalf of the Council since the inauguration of the Council, and Vice President Dr. Genco Çetinkanat informing the participants about the meetings attended on behalf of the Council.

Councilors wished that this beautiful coincidence would bring luck to the sector, as the publication date of the incentives expected by the sector coincided with the date of the assembly meeting.

Ali Alperen Kaç stated that they have reached a different point today from a process in which they started to prepare legislation by modeling the support mechanism of the export of goods. He said that it is possible to prepare a user-friendly legislation not only with macro supports, but also with micro supports, and expressed his pride and happiness to share the carefully prepared support mechanism with the Council Members.

He concluded his speech by saying that the incentives focused on the service delivery infrastructure, that they had prepared a support package with the focus of "what to expect from the health care provider", and that he wished the sector well.

Within the scope of the workshop preparations, the presentations prepared by the council subcommittees were discussed with an informative speech of the commission's spokespersons. The meeting ended after it was decided that the presentations, which had been approved by Council, would be updated and presented at the workshop as part of the new legislation and incentive package.

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