Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Glass and Glass Products Industry Council discussed the agenda of the sector

26.04.2022 / 

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Glass and Glass Products Industry Council met with representatives of the public, non-governmental organizations and the private sector under the chairmanship of Turkey Glass and Glass Products Industry Council President Vecdet Salgın and TOBB Board of Directors Vice President Ayhan Zeytinoğlu to discuss the current problems and innovations of the sector.​

At the meeting, the Council President provided information about the production losses experienced by the sector due to natural gas and power outages in 2022 and the work carried out in this process. In addition, Council Members expressed their experiences about the financial losses they experienced in this process, the penalties experienced in the export process, and the ruptures in the production lines due to the closed (cooling) furnaces. Expressing the sensitivity of the glass sector regarding the power outage, the members noted the importance of informing the sector long before these cuts were made. In addition, it was stated that there was uncertainty due to the continued increase in energy costs by the Members.

At the meeting, Serkan Atay, the Environmental Label Branch Manager of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, gave an informational presentation about the Environmental Label. In his presentation, Atay stated that “Environmental Label Criteria for Detergent Product Group” prepared in accordance with the Environmental Label Regulation no. 30570 dated 19.10.2018 within the scope of compliance studies with the Eco-Label Regulation No. 66/2010/EU has been published and that companies that use environmentally sensitive/sustainable raw materials in their products and prefer environmentally sensitive packaging can receive environmental labels. Afterwards, TOBB Environment Directorate Assistant Specialist Esin Özarslan gave information about the European Green Deal and answered questions about the process.

At the end of the meeting, Onur Yüksel, General Manager of TOBBUYUM Mediation and Dispute Resolution Center, mentioned the advantages of the system by conveying the solutions and processes of disputes without applying to the court.

TOBB MEYBEM Vocational Qualification and Certification Centers Marketing Officer Nihan Öktem gave a presentation on the importance of the Vocational Qualification Certificate and in which sectors it is mandatory. Stating that the Vocational Qualification Certificates are documents issued by the Vocational Qualifications Authority of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and periodically explained the scope of obligations; Öktem stated that if no documents are obtained in the professions covered by obligations, it will pave the way for criminal proceedings in case of audits and occupational accidents.

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