Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkish Paper and Paper Products Industry Council consulted on current topics

24.05.2022 / 

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Paper and Paper Products Industry Council TOBB Board of Directors Members Engin Yeşil, Zeki Kıvanç and Assembly Speaker Erdal Sükan met with the participation of sector representatives.​

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Paper and Paper Products Industry Council met with the participation of sector representatives under the chairmanship of TOBB Board Members Engin Yeşil, Zeki Kıvanç and Council President Erdal Sükan.

TOBB Board of Directors Member Zeki Kıvanç stated that while many sectors experienced pause during the pandemic process, the paper sector continued its growth process by making new investments. Kıvanç also informed that sectoral demands were related to the relevant Ministries, especially the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

In the first agenda item of the meeting, the changes made within the scope of the Regulation on the General Principles of Waste Pre-Treatment and Recovery Facilities and their effects on the sector were discussed comprehensively.

The meeting, where the differences in VAT rates in pulp and paper products were also discussed, ended with the Council Advisor Sedef Zaimoğlu giving information about the meetings and workshops attended on behalf of the Council. Zaimoğlu emphasized the issues that are important for the paper sector and necessary precautions.

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