Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Capital Markets Council hosted Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance Murat Zaman

07.06.2022 / İstanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Turkey Capital Market Council Meeting was held at the TOBB İstanbul Service Building under the chairmanship of Council President Sudi Aydemir with the participation of Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance Murat Zaman.​

Council President Sudi Aydemir expressed his pleasure in meeting with the Council Members after a long time face to face and emphasized that they would be following up with the resolutions to the problems of the sector.

TOBB Sectors and Entrepreneurship Department Head A. Saygın Baban thanked Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance Murat Zaman for his initiative and stated that as TOBB, they stand by the sector.

Murat Zaman, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, expressed his pleasure to meet with the Council Members and stated that the place of the Turkish Capital Market Council as a person coming from the sector is different. Making evaluations about the sector, Zaman stated that they are always open to cooperation in terms of solving problems.

In addition, representatives of Borsa İstanbul and the Capital Markets Association of Turkey gave a presentation about the work done by the institutions.

A presentation on Blockchain and its Applications in the Capital Market was made by Tuncay Yıldıran, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Forseti Consulting Co. Inc.

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