Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Finland - Turkey cooperation seminar held with the participation of TOBB

10.06.2022 / 

The Finland-Turkey Cooperation Seminar was held with the participation of Finnish Minister of Development, Cooperation and Foreign Trade Ville Skinnari and representatives of the business world from Finland and Turkey. In the event where panels were organized for sectors such as textile, steel and energy, the focus was on low carbon and circular economy and sustainable production within the scope of the European Green Deal.​

Participating in the event on behalf of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Head of Sectors and Entrepreneurship Department A. Saygın Baban explained the importance that Turkish Industry attaches to sustainability and decarbonization. Baban stated that Turkey is in a good position in renewable energy and drew attention to the enthusiasm of industrialists in this regard. Stating that carbon footprint calculations can no longer be ignored, he said that the transition to low-carbon production models is one of the main agenda items of the industrialist. Reminding that the circular economy is also among the priorities of the industry, Baban conveyed TOBB's work on green transformation and said that he believes that being in cooperation with Finland will have good returns for both countries.

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