Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Türkiye Chemical Industry Council evaluated the current sectoral developments

03.10.2022 / 

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Chemical Industry Council met via video conference under the chairmanship of Council Speaker Timur Erk and the attendance of TOBB Vice President of the Board of Directors Ayhan Zeytinoğlu.​

Following the opening speeches of TOBB Vice President Ayhan Zeytinoğlu and Council President Timur Erk, Council Members took the floor and evaluated the current sectoral developments.

Evaluations were made about the “Sectoral Evaluation Meeting on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (PPE) Processes,” held with the participation of sector representatives on August 5, 2022 at the TOBB İstanbul Service Building together with the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

Considering that the Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (PPE), which is the adaptation of the Reach Regulation, which regulates the production, import and use principles of the European Union regarding chemical substances, to the chemical sector in Türkiye, will be effective after December 31, 2023, it is of great importance that the sector is prepared for this legislation and evaluates this period well.

Özge Cebeci Karakaya, Strategy and Budget Specialist of the Department of Manufacturing Industries, General Directorate of Sectors and Public Investments of the Presidency of the Presidency of Strategy and Budget, who attended the meeting, informed the Council Members about the preparations for the 12th Development Plan and listened to the evaluations of the council members on the subject.

The meeting also discussed how the global recession, the increase in energy costs and possible problems in raw material supply will be reflected on the sector and the measures which can be taken.

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