Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Casting Industry Council convened

06.12.2022 / 

The Casting Industry Council meeting was held by video conference on December 5th with the participation of TOBB Vice President Salih Zeki Murzioğlu and the chairmanship of Council President Uğur Kocaoğlu and with the participation of high-level representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations.​

The Council presented the “2022 Assessment of the Casting Sector, 2023 Predictions and Expectations” and “TOBB's Work on the Green Deal and Climate Change”, “COP27 outputs (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 27. Conference of the Parties” and “Developments in Climate Change Law”.

In his opening speech, Salih Zeki Murzioğlu shared with the council members the work TOBB has done on behalf of the Council since the last Council meeting and the meetings and initiatives made in accordance with the decision taken at the last meeting.

In his speech, Council President Uğur Kocaoğlu said, “We are about to leave behind a year in which there were major price fluctuations on the raw material, energy and logistics sides and international trade dynamics underwent changes. When we look at the sector in general, we observe that orders and production quantities have increased.With global investments continuing to shift to our country, we have to continue technology-oriented production and moves that will increase our market power in order to contribute more to the country's economy. We need a strategic roadmap and green energy investments in the face of increasing energy costs.

Kocaoğlu said that as in many countries of the world, the problem of personnel shortage in the foundry sector in our country carries the risk of deepening with the retirement age discussions that we are currently following closely, and I would like to express once again that the arrangements to be made in this regard must include support mechanisms due to the separation of employees from the sector on the one hand and the compensation burdens it will bring for large-scale organizations on the other hand.

TOBB Environment Directorate, “TOBB's work on Green Deal and Climate Change”,”COP27 outputs (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 27. Conference of the Parties)” and “Developments in the Law on Climate Change” presentations were made.

The meeting ended after the council members evaluated the agenda.

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