Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

The International Contracting Council has taken the housing sector as the focus of its work

16.12.2022 / 

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) International Contracting Services Council, with the participation of TOBB Board Member Hakan Ülken, met in Ankara under the chairmanship of Council President Erdal Eren to discuss the topics of “Evaluation of Problems and Solution Proposals in the Field of Public Contracting,” “Housing/Real Estate Sector Situation,” and “Overseas Contracting Services Activities in the Context of the Russia-Ukraine War.”​

In addition to the Council Members, Adil Hakan Ayber and Tamer İnan, Deputy General Directors of Land Registry and Survey, Sadettin Tunas, Head of Foreign Affairs Department, Hasan Murat Nesimoğlu, Head of Contracting and Technical Consultancy Department of the General Directorate of International Service Trade of the Ministry of Trade, and Ahmet Tuna Acar, Head of the Building Inspection Department of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, attended the meeting.

In his opening speech, Hakan Ülken stated that TOBB is aware of the situation in the sector, the difficulties currently experienced by companies doing business to the public, and that the process is personally followed by TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu.

Stating that the issue was conveyed to the President, the Minister of Treasury and Finance and the President of the Public Procurement Authority in both written and bilateral meetings, Ülken said, “I would like you to know that we stand by the sector as TOBB in the decisions to be taken and the initiatives to be taken in this and future meetings.”

In his speech, Erdal Eren stated that contractors doing business to the public are in a difficult situation and that price difference decrees are not sufficient in these extraordinary economic conditions. In this process, some companies have become unable to do their jobs, they have experienced a termination process in which their guarantees are burned, they have become unable to continue their profession, he said, adding that it is important to take initiatives before public institutions under the leadership of TOBB in this regard.

Nazmi Durbakayım, Deputy Speaker of the Council, shared with the Council Members the presentation he prepared containing the problems and solution proposals regarding the agenda on the Housing/Real Estate Sector Situation Assessment.

During the Evaluation of the Housing/Real Estate Sector Situation, the sub-headings of “Urban Transformation,” “Problems with Building Inspection Firms,” “Real Estate Sales to Foreigners,” and “Solution Proposals to the Housing Problem at Accessible Prices” were also discussed.

The General Directorate of Land Registry and Survey provided information on how the sale of housing in Türkiye was affected by foreign contracting services after the Russian-Ukrainian War, which regions were affected more, the problems experienced during and after the sales.  

It was decided to forward the study, which includes the problems and solution proposals to be prepared for the problems experienced with the building inspection companies, to the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.

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