Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Green Transformation and Sustainability Summit in Industry held in Konya

13.07.2023 / 

Green Transformation and Sustainability Summit in Industry was organized by Konya Chamber of Industry. Mustafa Büyükeğen, President of Konya Chamber of Industry, who made the opening speech of the summit, pointed out that it is important to adapt to the green transformation process and said that it is of vital importance for industrialists to reduce carbon emissions in their enterprises and even make them carbon neutral if possible.​

Following the opening speech, two different panels were organized. The first panel on “Green Deal, Carbon Regulation at the Border and its Impact on Industry” was moderated by Saygın Baban, Head of TOBB Sectors and Entrepreneurship Department. Saygın Baban, who also shared information about the activities of our Union, stated that the green transformation process concerns all sectors and that this transformation is inevitable. Baban stated that companies should realize this transformation, especially energy efficiency, without delay.

Gülizar Yavaş, Head of EU Single Market and Green Deal Department at the Directorate General for International Agreements and European Union, gave a presentation on the legislation published within the scope of green deal in the European Union and explained how this situation may affect industrialists. She also gave information about the ongoing process on SDCC.

Making a presentation at the panel, Eyüp Kaan Moralı, Head of Carbon Pricing Department of the Climate Change Directorate, touched upon the relationship between carbon regulation mechanism and carbon pricing at the border, and explained the structure of the emission trading system that is currently being prepared for establishment in Türkiye.

TSE Environmental Surveillance and Verification Manager Mehmet Ergün made a presentation on carbon footprint calculation and verification. Ergün explained the calculation methodologies of greenhouse gas emissions and gave information about verification processes.

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