Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Information was given on the fair information system and Decision No. 5448

25.07.2023 / 

Information meetings on the Fair Organization Information System (System), where all application processes related to fair organization activities can be made and followed, and the Decision No. 5448 on the Definition, Classification and Support of Service Exports were held via video conference.​

The opening speeches of the meeting were delivered by Cihat Alagöz, Chairman of the TOBB Fair Organization Council, and Dr. Yusuf Karakaş, Deputy Director General for International Trade in Services at the Ministry of Trade.

During the information meetings, all application procedures related to fairs were simulated. Following the presentation of the Fair Information System, Dr. Yusuf Karakaş, Deputy Director General for International Trade in Services at the Ministry of Trade, informed the participants about Decree 5448 and the support packages. At the end of the information meeting, a question and answer session was held and questions about the system and Decree 5448 were answered.

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