Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

“Applications of Mediation and Arbitration in Türkiye and India” seminar held

01.06.2024 / Ankara

The Seminar on Mediation and Arbitration Practices in Türkiye and India was held at the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Conference Hall in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, TOBBUYUM and the Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation.​

İbrahim Nihat Bayar, Member of the Board of Directors of TOBBUYUM, made an opening speech at the program and stated that the business world is moving forward at very high speed and that traditional legal systems have difficulty in keeping up with this momentum.

Pointing out that legal education still continues with the understanding of the 1950s, Bayar said, “Of course, these will change, but these are things that take time. Because investment in law is investment in human capital. Investments in human capital are investments that will yield results in 20 years, 30 years, 40 years. But the business world has no patience to wait for this. It wants to contribute to the Turkish economy and the world economy in some way. TOBBUYUM stands as a result of these initiatives of TOBB. TOBB is a very important stakeholder of our business world in terms of contributing to the legal system, ensuring the development of alternative solutions, arbitration and mediation in Türkiye and even in the world.”

The program was attended by İbrahim Nihat Bayar, Secretary General of TOBB Arbitration, Hakan Öztatar, Director General of Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Justice, and Justice Surya Kant, Justice of the Supreme Court of India.

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