Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Conference on Increasing the Role of Women in Vocational Education held at Simav Government House

11.06.2024 / Kütahya / Simav

“Conference on Increasing the Role of Women in Vocational Education” hosted by Simav CCI and Simav Women Entrepreneurs Board in cooperation with TOBB was held at Simav Government House with more than 200 participants and nearly 100 parents and students.​

The opening speeches of the conference were made by Simav District Governor Bünyamin Karaloğlu, Simav Mayor Kübra Tekel Aktulun, Simav District National Education Director İsmail Güven, Simav Chamber of Commerce and Industry President and TOBB Vocational Education Board Chairman Şeref Kazcıoğlu and TOBB Vocational Education Specialist Aslı Parmak. At the conference, the demands for this first conference in Türkiye on the inclusion of women in Vocational Education, the training of women masters and women apprentices to be an example for other chambers were evaluated.

Aslı Parmak, who attended the conference as a panelist representing TOBB, informed more than 200 parents and students attending the conference about TOBB's vision for Vocational Education, its projects and activities.

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