Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

‘Stakeholder analysis and governance’ training in smart specialization

25.06.2024 / Ankara

Representatives of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) attended the “Stakeholder Analysis and Governance Training” given within the scope of the Capacity Building Project for the Development and Implementation of Smart Specialization Strategies in Türkiye (CEDIS3) on 24-27 June 2024. ​

Delivering the opening speeches of the 4-day trainings, TOBB President Advisor Hasan Çağlayan Dündar mentioned some basic principles for the successful implementation of Smart Specialization and many example countries where Smart Specialization strategies have been successfully implemented, and emphasized that smart specialization has a strategic importance for TOBB and Chambers and Commodity Exchanges.


Dündar also gave information about the expectations of TOBB and Chambers and Commodity Exchanges from development agencies within the scope of smart specialization and the work that can be done in this regard.

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