29.01.2025 / Ankara
The opening speeches of the seminar were made by Mustafa Bayburtlu, Deputy Secretary General of TOBB and Frank Joseph, Undersecretary of Commerce of the US Embassy.
In the continuation of the seminar, a Select USA presentation was made by Stephanie Rothman, Europe and Eurasia Manager of Select USA Program. In the Panel organized within the scope of the program, Ada strategies, Maral Bilir; Manay CPA, Kübra Çetintaş Eker; Özışık Law, Servil Özışık; Vakıfbank New York, Güldal Şişman gave tips for growing in America; IMEKS CEO Aycan Yağanoğlu told her success story in the American Market.
In addition, representatives from the states of Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, South Carolina and Virginia made presentations and provided information about investment opportunities in their states.
Finally, Turkish companies held bilateral meetings with US participants.
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