TOBB ETU requested support from the civilian aviation sector for the Joint Education Program
22.07.2011 /
The TOBB Civilian Aviation Council convened in Istanbul. In the meeting, while Council President Şahabettin Bolukçu was assessing 2010, Council members related their expectations from 2011.
The presentations, “Airports Master Planning” and “Latest Trends in the World and Our Country’s Work” provided information for the sector representatives. Applications of airport planning were also discussed. Work in Turkey on the subject was related and the data for 2010-2011 cargo and passenger transportation figures were discussed.Another subject on the Council’s itinerary was the organization of a panel in Ankara or Istanbul for addressing the civil aviation sector’s problems, pioneered by TOBB. Council members exchanged ideas as to the panel’s concept, time and content.- TOBB ETU requested support from the civilian aviation sector for the Joint Education ProgramAlso during the meeting, TOBB Economy and Technology University (ETU) Joint Education Program Coordinator Ziya Sülünbe provided a short presentation on the goals, scope and the benefits for the students of the Joint Education Program.