Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Yavuz’ invitation to the German business for investment and cooperation

02.04.2014 / Ankara

Federal German State of Baden-Württemberg Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Economy and Treasury Dr. Nils Schmid and the delegation accompanying him attended a business dinner at TOBB. TOBB Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz, in his speech, provided information in regards to TOBB and said, “Our goal is to make our country into one of the top 10 economies of the world. We want to work together with our German friends as we move towards this goal. As TOBB, we cooperate closely with the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag, DIHK). We’ve established the German – Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Turkey and the Turkish – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Germany to this end. Both chambers are continually undertaking successful endeavors.”​

Yavuz pointed out that Germany, the largest economy in Europe, can do much with Turkey, the sixth largest economy in Europe.


Stating that investing in Turkey is, in essence, investing in Central Asia and the Middle East, Yavuz said, “In this sense, Turkey is a gateway. I invite you all to form partnerships with Turkish companies and to invest in Turkey. We are aiming for over 5% annual economic growth for the next 10 years. This kind of economic growth requires high quantities of energy investment. We are especially aiming to invest more in nuclear energy. Your experiences in this field are important to us. It is possible for us to cooperate in third countries with your experience and our geopolitical position.”


Federal German State of Baden-Württemberg Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Economy and Treasury Dr. Nils Schmid stated in his speech that they have been developing relations with Turkey in recent years. He went on to point out the importance of SMEs. Dr. Schmid stated that it is possible to cooperate with Turkey in regards to science in the field of energy.

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