03.04.2015 /
The Event, organized by Ankara EU Information Center, TOBB and METU European Documentation Centers, Foundation of Turkish Librarians and National Library of Turkey; was realized on April 2nd, 2015 in Libraries Week. Intercultural dialogue and social media were discussed in various perspectives. Writer Mario LEVİ gave his speech on Interculturality and Its Reflections; derived from his life and novels. Assist. Prof. Burak Bilgehan ÖZPEK, TOBB ETÜ, Department of International Relations, reflected his views on The Role of Social Media in Adopting Democracy Culture. Finally speech was from Devrim EVİN, actor, on Social Media and its Effects on Multicultural Identities. The panel was moderated by Assist. Prof. Özgehan ŞENYUVA from METU Department of International Relations.​