Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Cihat Alagöz elected Fairs Council Chairman

31.03.2015 / Ankara

TOBB Turkey Fairs Council convened in Ankara under TOBB Board Member Salih Zeki Murzioğlu to discuss the issues of the sector as well as electing the council chairman and vice chairs. The election resulted in Cihat Alagöz being elected as Council Chairman with Hülya Akkaya,Murat Demirtaş, Rasim Mazlum, İsmet Göksel, İlhan Ersözlü and Serkan Tığlıoğlu elected vice chairs.​

TOBB Board Member Salih Zeki Murzioğlu spoke in regards to the function and role of the sector councils, stating that the Fairs Council has accomplished important works since its inception.

Elected as TOBB Turkey Fairs Council Chairman, Cihat Alagöz thanked TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and the TOBB Board of Directors, stating that he has been a part of the fairs sector since 2004.

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