Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Bülent Karakuş attended East Azerbaijan – Turkey Trade and Investment Conference

03.09.2016 / Tabriz

TOBB Board Member and Muğla CCI Chair Bülent Karakuş attended the East Azerbaijan – Turkey Trade and Investment Conference hosted by the Tabriz Chamber of Industry, Mines and Agriculture on 3rd and 4th of September.​

Karakuş, pointing out that sibling countries such as Turkey and Iran support each other in difficult times, stated that they are prepared to do their part for developing economic relations. Touching on the potential present in the fields of food, tourism and industry, Karakuş also drew attention to partnerships with third countries.

During the second session of the conference, presentations regarding the investment opportunities in Eastern Azerbaijan were made.

Attending the conference were about 50 TOBB members from boards of chambers in İstanbul,Konya, Mersin, Van, Bursa, Antakya, Gaziantep, Iğdır, Antalya and Adana.

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