The advertisement income of national TV channels in 2010-2011 has increased by 50%. 48% of the total income of television sector is from pay-per-view, 43% from advertisements.​


Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Media and Communication Council discussed advertisements and periodical publishing

26.11.2011 / 

The advertisement income of national TV channels in 2010-2011 has increased by 50%. 48% of the total income of television sector is from pay-per-view, 43% from advertisements.​



TOBB Turkey Media and Communication Council met with Council President Hakan Güldağ presiding to discuss advertisements and periodical publishing.

According to the information given by Radio Television High Council Permit and Appropriation Department President Muhsin Kılıç the total income of national television from advertisements in 2010-2011 increased by 50%, 48% in 2008-2009 and 31% in 2009-2010.

- The most discussed file is from the health sector

Customs and Commerce Ministry Advertisements Council President Ramazan Ersoy provided information regarding the Council’s works. According to the information provided by Ersoy, in the 2010 distribution of files on a sector basis, the health sector comes out first.

- The heaviest punishment for transmission services

Fined last year were; communication services for 6,145,608 TL, implicit advertisement for 5,359,336 TL and the health sector for 2,773,894 TL.

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