Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

72,369 Industry Capacity Reports in 2016

27.01.2017 / Ankara

The number of Capacity Reports, 72,433 in 2015, decreased by 0.09% in 2016, totaling 72,369.​

Of the production facilities to which these reports belong, 37.82% have 1-9, 46.02% have 10-49, 7.87% have 50-99, 5.78% have 100-249 and 2.51% have more than 250 employees.

- In facilities with Industrial Capacity Reports in 2016, the total number of employees was 2,994,120 with an increase of 1.59% compared to the previous year

While the total number of employees in these facilities was 2,947,254 in 2015, it increased by 1.59% in 2016 to reach 2,994,120.

While 4,83% of total employees were employed in facilities with 1-9 employees; 25.73% of total employees were employed in facilities with 10-49; 13.39% of total employees were employed in facilities with 50-99; 21.44% of total employees were employed in facilities with 100-249; 34.61% of total employees were employed in facilities with 250 and more employees.

According to the current reports, the first five provinces with the highest employment were İstanbul (658,896), Bursa (264,297), İzmir (197,939), Kocaeli (186,881) and Ankara (161,199).

Ardahan (261), Bayburt (322), Hakkâri (565), Tunceli (694), and Iğdır (845) are the five provinces with the least number of employees.

In 2015-2016, the share of industrial firms in the SME scale decreased from 65.93% to 65.39%, while the share of large firms increased from 34.07% to 34.61%.

Compared to 2015, cities that produce the most new jobs in the industry in 2016; (21.20%), Tunceli (15.47%), Samsun (11.39%), Manisa (10.93%), Kütahya (10.42%).

Compared to 2015, the cities with the greatest decrease in employment in the industry in 2016; (-33.98%), Kars (-30.39%), Ardahan (-24.57%), Bitlis (-23.24%), Hakkâri (-22.60%).

Employment growth in new industrial sectors, on the basis of regions were: Eastern Marmara (4.44%), Aegean (4.05%) and Central Anatolia (2.78%) regions.

The regions where industrial employment decline is highest are: Northeast Anatolia (-7.76%), Middle East Anatolia (-1.90%), and Western Marmara (-0.92%).

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