Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkish Housewares Council convened to assess sectoral problems

25.07.2017 / İstanbul

TOBB Turkey Housewares Council meeting was held at the TOBB Istanbul Service Building under the auspeices of TOBB Vice President Ali Kopuz, Council Chair Ömer Ertuğrul Erdoğan with the participation the representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations.​

The meeting started with the opening speech of TOBB Vice Chairman Ali Kopuz. Following Ali Kopuz, Council Chair Ömer Ertuğrul Erdoğan shared a 20-item report compiling the sector's problems.

Council Chair Erdoğan added that he wanted to be a pioneer for other sectors and to cooperate with them if necessary by going to a promotional attack in Turkey and abroad under the name of Turkish and Turkish brands

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