04.05.2018 / Ankara
The 11th Logistics Coordination Council meeting was held in TOBB chaired by Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Undersecretary Suat Hayri Aka. During the meeting held with the participation of TOBB Deputy Secretary General Cengiz Delibaş, Undersecretary of Customs and Trade Cenap Aşçı, Ministry of Economy Undersecretary İbrahim Şenel, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology Undersecretary Veysel Yayan, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization Fatma Varank as well as senior bureaucrats, Deputy Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Orhan Birdal gave a presentation about construction of a logistics center near the airport and application errors and deficiencies in the cargo transportation at old airports.​