26.09.2018 / Ankara
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey has published its 2019 Fairs Calendar which aims to meet the for source of information to facilitate the effective and comprehensive promotion of trade fairs.
The most intensive fair program of 2019 will be in the spring and autumn months. 76 exhibitions will be held in February, 67 in March and 76 in April, with 54 exhibitions in September, 76 in October and 54 in November.
The five provinces that will hold the largest number of domestic trade fairs are: Istanbul (211), Izmir (43), Ankara (28), Bursa (23), Antalya (20), Adana (15) and Konya (12).
The five sectors that stand out in 2019 fairs are: Agriculture and Livestock (59), Construction Materials and Air Conditioning (31), Food (26), Furniture (19), Books and Periodicals (19).
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