Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Cengiz Delibaş attended the Seminar on Employment Mobilization in Istanbul

07.03.2019 / İstanbul

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Deputy Secretary General Cengiz Delibaş attended the "Employment Mobilization 2019 and New Employment Incentives" seminar organized by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO), explaining support and incentives related to employment Mobilization as well as answering the questions of the participants.​

Cengiz Delibaş stated that even many SMEs in Istanbul do not have any information about the incentives and called on the employers to cooperate with İŞKUR. Delibaş stated that the first condition of benefiting from incentives is İŞKUR registration of the person to be hired which is a very fast process.

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