Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

TOBB ETU 3rd Anniversary of the July 15th Treacherous Coup Attempt Panel

19.07.2019 / Ankara

TOBB ETU on the occasion of the July 15th Democracy and National Unity Day, held the 3rd Anniversary of the July 15th Treacherous Coup Attempt Panel was held. The panel was moderated by TOBB ETU Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sarınay on July 18th 2019 and was attended by Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Dr. Prof. Dr. Gonca Bayraktar Durgun, Professor of Theology at the Faculty of Theology at Hitit University and Program Advisor for TEPAV Regional Studies. Dr. Hilmi Demir. ​

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