Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Health Services Council President elected unanimously

16.03.2020 / Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Turkey Health Services Council met at the Ankara Union Center under the chairmanship of TOBB Board Member Öztürk Oran to elect the Council President and to consult on the current issues of the sector.​

In his opening speech, TOBB Board Member Öztürk Oran said that the councils are established in accordance with Article 57 of the TOBB law and that it is a platform which brings public-private sector-sectoral non-governmental organizations together on legal grounds.

As a result of the Council election, Medova Hospital Board Member Seyit Karaca was unanimously elected as President, while Private Hospitals Platform Association Chairman Mehmet Altuğ was elected Vice President by majority vote.


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